
Vendu et expédié par


287 ventes

14.00 € TVA incluse (si applicable)
  • FormatVinyle 45T (EP 4 titres)
  • Etat généralRéédition neuf
  • Etat pochetteM ?
  • Etat disqueM ?
  • LabelSub Pop
  • PressageUSA
  • Année2010
  • Quantité disponible1
Commentaire du vendeur :
the idea behind the title track of infamous EP was to write "the most ridiculous pop song", according to Cobain, recorded in less than an hour with borrowed instruments, adding the vocals with massively naïve lyrics few weeks later - it is also the only studio recording with drummer Dan Peters [Mudhoney]; 'Dive' on the flipside is another grunge classic, coming from spring of 1989, predicting 'Nevermind' sound with its desperate fusion of punk, metal and pop; originally released in September 1990, these cult songs now celebrate a new US black 45rpm vinyl pressing with authentic design


Evaluation du vendeur  (76 notes)

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